
NorthWestWind , to Showerthoughts avatar

Philosophy is just applied existential crisis


masterspace ,

I would argue that it absolutely applies to both existentialism and epistemology. Epistemologists frequently concern themselves with questions about the limits of human knowledge and understanding without actually going there themselves.

masterspace , (edited )

Sure, but at a fundamental level philosophers are not just sitting there asking questions with no purpose. They're still seeking new understanding and information which is a form of answering questions.

db0 , to Anarchism avatar

What radicalized you?

Assuming you're an anarchist or otherwise leftist radical, what radicalized your position?

For me it was a combination of seeing the rampart corruption of the Greek state and the sloth and hypocrisy of the KKE in my own family. Then afterwards it was the alienation of my own wage-slavery.

Remember to care for your opsec when answering.


TwiddleTwaddle ,

Getting tear gassed by thugs in formation over a water bottle.

onoira , (edited )

being trans and having auDHD with a childhood passion for natural philosophy inoculated me against heteronormative brainworms and their cousins: capitalist, workist, Protestant-work-ethic bullshit.

being mobbed, assaulted and abused because of this — by parents, siblings, peers, teachers and strangers — is what taught me to hate.

losing friends to war, suicide, and honour killings is what taught me hopelessness.

watching my parents work 90 hour weeks and still struggle to pay the bills showed me the contradictions.

being abandoned and homeless as a teenager when i started fighting back is what radicalised me.

Bakunin, Kropotkin, Goldman, Luxemburg, Beer, Stallman, Graeber, Swartz and Serafinski taught me why i'm angry, and taught me how to imagine again.

the fight against triple oppression is what keeps me going.

theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

What’s the biggest myth about autism that my comrades have come across in the course of their self-advocacy?


theendismeh , avatar

@aspiedan @arcadetoken @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic Ah, I see. I try to come up with alternatives while still telling them that it looks fine in cases like that. I have three kids, definitely been there! I think that falls under the "delicately and compassionately" part.

But I don't always do that if something has set me off. That usually when people have irrational fears based on prejudices and they insist that those fears (which can sometimes be real—if mistaken—fears) mean they can discriminate against the people they're scared of.

I've run into that one a lot lately.

theendismeh , avatar

@dorian @aspiedan @arcadetoken @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic Completely agree that logic can be abused by uncurious and uncaring people!

KitMuse , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

I know people with estrogen have said their ADHD gets worse during perimenopause/menopause, but I'm wondering if people with testosterone 50+ also notice their Autism/ADHD symptoms getting worse. Especially more "inattentive"/stuck in their thoughts.

I feel like we really need more research on all of this.

@actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

pathfinder , avatar

@KitMuse @randomgeek @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
One of the things I've noticed, both in getting older and also realising that I am autistic and quite possible also having adhd, is that I seem to be getting more forgetful. But, I don't believe that I am. It's more that the energy sapping requirements of the various processes that I had in place to offset this tendency in myself, have become more difficult to maintain. So, it's more glitches in my ability to not be forgetful, than an increase in being forgetful;

randomgeek , avatar

@pathfinder @KitMuse @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity this! I feel like I've got the same patterns and baseline, but the improvised tools that got me through the first few decades have worn out, and I need to be more deliberate.

which honestly is a challenge with ADHD

sundray , to Comic Strips avatar

@comicstrips Words for an Epic Quest

Incidental Comics by Grant Snider, Thursday, May 9, 2024:

funkless_eck ,

James Joyce has entered the chat.

oce , avatar

Promontory reminds me that as a French, when speaking English, I sometimes use literary French terms with an English accent as an elite facade for amusement because I sense that it probably exists in literary English (afaik literary words are more likely to be similar than common ones, dating from when they learned what cuisine is). It works better when nobody's a native Anglophone in the chamber so people just think they don't know this chic word when I'm just mistaken. Although, there is a risqué risk of false friend that may turn it into a ridicule faux-pas by ricochet.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

Not a bad business idea 🌮🚚

bruceturner , avatar

Austin had Midnight Taco for a while. They would drive up to your party and start slinging tacos to order.

landley , avatar

@georgetakei Da-da-da da-da, da, dah. Fajita.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

They're impossible to figure out 🚿

agitatra , avatar

@georgetakei Well, Hotel showers are - still - complementary, so when guests don't shower it might get smelly, but heating and water bills stay low. Wait until they find a way to charge, once the water is running it might need some very smart people to turn it off, or even lower the temperature below boiling.

number6 , avatar


Here's how you do it.

  1. Take the ice bucket.
  2. Fill it with warm water
  3. Step into the shower.
  4. Pour over your head
  5. Rinse. Repeat.
georgetakei , to Random avatar


henryk , avatar

@georgetakei I'm guessing they stock Perri air?

inkican , avatar

@georgetakei I can't afford that so I'm staying at the Good Nitrogen Inn.

mariyadelano , to actuallyadhd group avatar

Question for fellow @actuallyautistic and @actuallyadhd neurodivergent folks:

How do you explain your ideas to neurotypicals?

I constantly struggle because my brain has made connections that are not obvious to others, and when I try to guide them through my thinking I confuse them with details or by skipping explanations that seem obvious to me but completely surprising to anyone else.

Frameworks, links, anything is appreciated!

GinevraCat , avatar

@mariyadelano @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd My friends used to use a system where I had to tap the side of my nose when I jumped topics. If they thought I had jumped topics then they would do the nose tap and I could confirm or explain further. 🤪
But I have also heard a flatmate tell another flatmate to "just smile and nod when she talks". 🤷

EVDHmn , avatar

@Susan60 @woozle @CynAq @mariyadelano @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
😮 lol I was all psyched about going out adventuring till I read how complicated communication is, back to gardening 😆

NatureMC , to scifi group avatar

Is there actually a or that understands the as a living being? @scifi

faduda , avatar

@NatureMC @scifi Arguably Star Wars, depending on what you think the Force is, from a certain point of view...

georgetakei , to Random avatar
adhdeanasl , avatar

@georgetakei One of these guys plays make-believe for a living. The other is Mark Hamill.

Sherifazuhur , to palestine group avatar

Event today on Youtube - @palestine

Sherifazuhur OP , avatar
georgetakei , to Random avatar

I would watch this reimagining!

georgetakei OP , avatar

@mvilain Fair point. 😅

georgetakei OP , avatar

@BobOHara Perfect.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
DonQuixokie , avatar

@georgetakei If you are cash poor but optimistic, it's cool. Always accept anything handmade.

jamie , avatar


Silly putty

LehtoriTuomo , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

Sitting in the bus after a day at work. Feeling tired. The meeting that ended the day dragged on and I stopped even trying to follow the discussion. I haven't listened to music in a bus in ages but now I find myself thinking that maybe I should buy a set of noise-canceling headphones.

The bus is hissing loudly, there are conversations that I can't hear which somehow makes them even more annoying. On top of all I'm sitting under a loudspeaker that plays the stop signal in a very loud tone. Shit, it rang again and startled me. Why does it have to be that loud?

Fortunately I'm not too far from home but still.


pathfinder , avatar

@LehtoriTuomo @actuallyautistic
Until I started wearing earphones and earplugs regularly. I didn't even begin to realise how much of my, I can normally cope, was actually, I can spend energy I don't have ignoring the fact that I'm not really coping and how stressed out by that fact I am.

cwood , avatar

@LehtoriTuomo @actuallyautistic

If you don't feel like listening to music or anything earplugs might be a more economical option. Various suppliers sell these in very silencing variants. Here's one but there's more out there.

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